Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fuck Light Rail Funding

There is not one damned public transportation system in the entire country that could survive without taxpayer money. One only needs to look at the dismal performance of any existing public transportation system to see that light rail will be a loser. The cost for a single mile of light rail is more than double the cost for a four-lane super highway. Stay out of my wallet and shove your light rail subsidies up your ass.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The 2010 Mid-Term Election

The mainstream press called it a "shellacking". It's a apt description. I was wishing for a decent chance at gridlock, provided the country survives the lame duck session, and it appears that I might get my wish.

Although I have not called myself a Republican since Bush's first term, I was extremely pleased to see the GOP gain 63 seats in the House. Minor gains were made in the Senate, but too many seats weren't up for replacement during this period. Simple mathematical results aside, what I discovered to be the greatest source of personal gratification was the overwhelming rejection of The One, his policies and his entire administration. I particularly enjoy hearing the mournful whining of buyer's remorse from the Republican and Independents who should have known better than to vote for an incompetent community organizer. But, much more satisfying than the crying, is the sweet, sweet taste of 'progressive' tears.

The Tea Party has been credited with providing much of the support for the new incumbents, but I fear their movement has already been infested by the socially conservative right. The existing Republican incumbents have proven their fiscal irresponsibility through the TARP bailout, their obsession with big government earmarks and tiresome Contracts with America bullshit. Until the rest of the ruling class can be expelled, these new incumbents need to prove themselves capable of renouncing the current GOP modus operandi or, they should be looking for new jobs at the end of their terms.

So, instead of a shellacking, let's call it a temporary restraining order.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

War of the Worlds

I hate reading the news, although I feel it is my duty as a Texan and American to do so. Saying this, I have to say to anyone that has tried to keep up with political news lately, should be scared shit-less with the articles and headlines.

I grew up during the Cold War. I remember as a child having "bombing drills" in elementary school. Being at that young age, I knew it was serious, but not to the same extent as my parents, (my father being life long military). I have grown children now and two grandchildren I worry about. What type of future do they have to look forward to? I read Town Hall, Reason, and Drudge Report. Does anyone see, besides myself, that there is war brewing with China? They,(via North Korea) have fired missiles into South Korea, and also have submarines in Venezuela. This doesn't even cover a tenth of the things going on. They also know that we have a very weak president and a country that's, I believe, is trying to pull itself up out of this depression and the "home front" problems now facing America.

We are "ripe for the picking". That's not only from China, but from every other country that hates America and all what Americans stand for.

We need to pull together NOW, as a Country and Nation. Stop harassing Americans trying to have the American Dream, go ahead and profile like Israel does, (it works for them), And by God, LET FREEDOM RING!